Vermont Mud Season

Vermont Mud Season

It's Mud Season in Vermont

What is mud season, anyway?

When the snow starts melting and the temperatures get warmer, most of us want to get outside and hike! But, mud season is not a good time for hiking in much of Vermont. Rain and melting snow at higher elevations keep many of Vermont's hiking trails wet and muddy. When hikers walk on saturated soils, they cause soil compaction and erosion as well as damage to the trail and surrounding vegetation. Please help protect the fragile trails this time of year by staying off muddy trails.

Higher elevation soils take longer to dry out. And during snowmelt spring rains, the trails will take even longer than normal to dry out. A trail may be dry at the trailhead, but muddy at a higher elevation. If you notice the trail getting muddier, please turn around! Trails at lower elevations, dirt roads, and recreation paths provide excellent places to hike in the early spring.

You can see which trails are closed for mud season by searching for closed or partially open (for areas where some specific trails are closed while other are open) trails on our Find Trails map. Or just keep it simple and just search the fully open trails! We work with the Vermont Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation to post updates to closures and cautions every week. Check for updates on Fridays! 

Thank you for helping to preserve our beautiful natural resources!

Guidelines to follow when hiking this time of year

  • If a trail is so muddy that you need to walk on the vegetation beside it to keep you feet dry, turn back and seek another place to hike.
  • Plan spring hikes in hardwood forests at lower elevations.
  • Avoid spruce-fir (conifer) forest at higher elevations and on north slopes before late May.
  • Camels Hump and Mt Mansfield trails are closed, most likely through the Friday of Memorial Day Weekend. Please do not hike here. Stay below 3000 ft during April and May.

Staying away from certain places during mud season makes them ready to enjoy in summer. Have fun out there!

great places to explore in the spring

Spring is a great time to explore lower elevation trails or other activities like paddling and biking on rail trails and gravel roads. Below are some trails to consider visiting if your first choice is closed. 


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