Wilton-Lyndeborough Branch Rail Trail (winter use only)

A stretch of former railroad that is open only in the winter when there is ample snow to cover the tracks. The trail is frequented by pedestrians and snowmobilers. 
Trail Activity
Snowshoeing Ungroomed cross-country skiing Snowmobiling
18.30 miles, One Way
Easy, Moderate
Bennington (NH), Greenfield (NH), Hancock (NH), Lyndeborough (NH), Wilton (NH)
Snow, Ungroomed


This stretch of unused railroad spans from Wilton to Bennington and is only open for use in the winter. The trail passes by scenic locations like Greenfield State Park. The trail is frequented by snowmobilers in the winter but is also open to hikers, snowshoers, and cross country skiers. The railroad tracks are still in place so the trail is best used when there is a considerable amount of snow to cover the tracks. 

Other Information

Trail conditions change often due to weather or maintenance schedules. Before you head out, click here for up-to-date conditions and closure information. 

Trail Manager

For more information about the trail, visit New Hampshire's Recreational Rail Trails online, or contact:

NH Bureau of Trails

NH Bureau of Trails
172 Pembroke Road
Concord, NH 03301
Phone: (603) 271-3254
View website

Trail Tips

Respect Wildlife
Keep wildlife wild: do not feed, follow, approach, or otherwise harass wild animals. Doing so may alter their natural behaviors.
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Trailhead Information

There is parking for the trail available in Greenfield State park. To access the parking from the Greenfield post office, turn right onto Slip Road and drive for 0.4 miles. Turn left onto NH-136 West/NH-31 North and continue for 0.7 miles. Make a slight right onto Forest Road and continue for another 0.7 miles, then turn right onto a dirt road that will cross the rail trail and end at the beach, where parking is available. 

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