Willoughby State Forest - South Shore and South Beach Trails

A short walk along Lake Willoughby that offers stunning, shore-side views of the lake and the cliffs of Mount Pisgah on the opposite shore. 
Trail Activity
2.10 miles, Loop
Westmore (VT)
Packed Earth/Dirt, Gravel/Crushed Stone/Cinder, Woodchips
Permitted on leash


The South Beach and South Shore Trails create a loop hike that travels out to a  stunning view of the cliffs of Mount Pisgah and the shores of the Lake Willoughby. The South Beach Trail is quite flat as it skirts the edge of the lake and then goes uphill to meet the South Shore Trail. The South Shore Trail is more forested and heads away from the lake before reaching the West Cove swimming area*. 

The Cliff Trail dead ends at a view over the lake. It does not proceed onto the talus slope. This slope can be unstable and is not managed for public use.

* Note - The West Cove swimming area is often frequented by guests without clothing during the summer months.   

Trail Manager

For more information about the park visit the Northwoods Stewardship Center or Vermont Department of Forests, Parks, and Recreation online or contact: 

NorthWoods Stewardship Center

NorthWoods Stewardship Center
154 Leadership Drive/PO Box 220
East Charleston, Vermont 05833
Phone: (802) 723-6551
View website

VT Dept. Forests, Parks & Recreation District 5: St. Johnsbury District

VT Dept. Forests, Parks & Recreation District 5: St. Johnsbury District
374 Emerson Falls Road
St. Johnsbury, VT 05819
Phone: (802) 751-0136
View website

Trail Tips

Dispose of Waste Properly
Dispose of solid human waste in a cathole 6-8 inches deep and at least 200 feet from water, camp, or trails. Don't forget to cover it up when you're done!
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Trailhead Information

From Barton, drive north on VT-16/Eastern Avenue for 7 miles. Turn right onto VT-5A South and continue for 5.1 miles; then at the south end of the lake, turn right into the parking lots on the south shore. The trailhead is off the parking lot.

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