Dutton Pines State Park

Dutton Pines serves as a place to take a short walk or rest for a few minutes. Visitors can enjoy the loop trail, or a picnic in the pine stand.
Trail Activity
0.50 miles, Loop
Dummerston (VT)
Packed Earth/Dirt, Road, Unpaved
Permitted on leash


Myron Dutton Memorial Loop Trail (15-30 minutes, blue blazes): The loop trail follows the trails and roadways constructed by the CCC. The trail descends gently down a roadway and passes by the site of an old bathhouse and a modern water system for the Charrette Mobile Home Park. The trail nears Dummerston Station Road and makes a curve through an old parking lot and the original camping area. After passing through this level ground, it ascends steeply up to the picnic shelter and point of origin at the parking area.

Other Information

Dutton Pines State Park was purchased by the state in 1937 from Edith Dutton to be developed into a park as a memorial to her father, Myron Dutton. The 13 acre property was part of the Dutton Farm where Mr. Dutton had established a plantation of white pine trees in 1887. Additional trees were planted by the Dutton family in 1917 and 1925. According to Myron Dutton’s scrapbook, the property appeared in Vermonter magazine in 1922, describing how the Dutton family maintained this area as a public picnic and camping site before the state acquired the property.

Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) camp #P54 based out of Bellows Falls, Vermont, completed development of a day use picnic area here between 1938 and 1940. Facilities included a large parking lot, log shelter, caretakers dwelling, toilet building, water supply system with two drinking fountains, walking trails and eight picnic sites complete with fire places and picnic tables. Dutton Pines State Park was dedicated as a state park on April 14, 1940, at a ceremony conducted by Governor George Aiken. Guests attending the ceremony included a group of CCC enrollees and members of the Dutton family.

Dutton Pines was a popular picnic spot until Interstate 91 diverted most through traffic away from Route 5 in the late 1950’s. The park saw falling attendance as it served only local patrons. The park stopped operations permanently after the 1982 season. Since then it has served as an informal place to walk and recreate.



  • The park is open for use during daylight hours.
  • Camping is not allowed at this park.
  • The trail is for multi-purpose, non-motorized use only. No motorized vehicles.
  • Stay on the marked trail.
  • Carry out what you carry in.
  • Fires may be kindled only in fireplaces. Keep fires small.
  • Only dead and down wood may be gathered.
  • Keep dogs under voice control at all times, and leashed if your dog does not follow voice commands.
  • Pack out all pet waste.
  • No living plants, trees, flowers or other vegetation may be cut or picked.
  • Respect others recreating at this site.

Trail Manager

Visit Vermont State Parks online for more information and a printable map or contact:

VT Dept. Forests, Parks & Recreation Region 1: Springfield Region

VT Dept. Forests, Parks & Recreation Region 1: Springfield Region
100 Mineral Street, Suite 304
Springfield, VT 05156-3168
Phone: (802) 505-5935
View website

Trail Tips

Plan Ahead and Prepare
Be prepared for emergencies. Pack extra clothing, food, and water and also a flashlight, first aid and repair kit, matches/fire starters, whistle, signaling mirror, and pocket knife.
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Trailhead Information

Dutton Pines State Park is located in Dummerston, Vermont, on Rte. 5, 2.8 miles north of the I-91 Exit 3 roundabout. A small parking area is located adjacent to Route 5. It is not plowed in the winter. 

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