Unity Mountain Trail

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Four-mile long hiking trail along the ridgetops and pond shores of Unity, NH.
Trail Activity
Walking Hiking
3.90 miles, One Way
Easy, Moderate
Unity (NH)
Packed Earth/Dirt, Road, Unpaved, Grass/Meadow
Permitted on leash


Built entirely on Sullivan County land in the Town of Unity, the Unity Mountain Trail is a four-mile hiking/walking path showcasing the varied cultural and natural histories of Sullivan County. From its western end at the Sullivan County Complex, the trail climbs steadily past a small pond before crossing the 2nd NH Turnpike. It then continues gradually upward, along the flanks of Unity Mountain, before dropping down and following the shore of Marshall Pond. The trail's eastern end is located at Mica Mine Road, opposite the historic Marshall family cemetery. A scenic overlook near the summit of Unity Mountain affords hikers a spectacular view. Birds and other wildlife species are often spotted along the trail.

Other Information

This trail was built by Sullivan County with help from the New Hampshire Trails Bureau, the Student Conservation Association, the Upper Valley Lake Sunapee Regional Planning Commission, the Unity Elementary School, and the Sullivan County Conservation District.

Trail Manager

Unity Mountain Trail is managed by the Sullivan County Natural Resources Department. For more information, contact:

Sullivan County Natural Resources
95 County Farm Road
Unity, NH 03743
Phone: (603) 542-4891
View website

Trail Tips

Plan Ahead and Prepare
Find out about and follow any local regulations and respect landowners’ property.

Trailhead Information

There are three access points along the Unity Mountain Trail, each with its own parking. From east to west, they are:

Mica Mine Road Trailhead: From the Unity Elementary School on the 2nd NH Turnpike, travel 500 feet northwest and then turn right onto Mica Mine Road in front the Unity General Store on the corner. Travel 1.7 miles down Mica Mine Road, turning left twice to remain on Mica Mine Road. The trailhead and parking are on the left, just across from the historic Marshall Family Cemetery.

NH DOT Maintenance Facility Trailhead: Trail access and parking can be found along the left side of the driveway of the NH Department of Transportation maintenance lot on the north side of the 2nd NH Turnpike, 2 miles northwest of the Unity Elementary School or just over 5 miles southeast of Claremont.

County Farm Trailhead: The westernmost trail access for Unity Mountain Trail can be found in the fields behind the Sullivan County Complex, located on County Farm Road, just off the 2nd NH Turnpike 3 miles north of the Unity Elementary School. Park in the paved lot to the left of the County Complex and walk up the dirt road towards the woods. The trail starts at the edge of the trees.

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